Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Cassiopeia (Cas)  ·  Contains:  IC 1848  ·  IC 1871
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The Soul of Westerhout, Morten Schødt
The Soul of Westerhout
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The Soul of Westerhout

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The Soul of Westerhout, Morten Schødt
The Soul of Westerhout
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The Soul of Westerhout



Acquisition details



When watching for Santa Claus in the skies in Denmark, I captured this bright collection of nebulae, most known as The Soul Nebula. Several small open clusters are embedded in the nebula: CR 34, 632, and 634 and IC 1848. 

I also managed to give the new Blur Exterminator v.2.0.0 a run for its money, and its quite something I must say.

SHO palette, 60 x h-alpha, 40 x sii and 40 x oii.


Sky plot

Sky plot


The Soul of Westerhout, Morten Schødt